“Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities”
This article discusses the background, methods, and results of analyzing the posting habits of trolls (anti-social online community members). They categorized users as FBU’s (Future Blocked Users) and NBU’s (Never Blocked Users) and compared and contrasted their behaviors. They further divided the FBU’s according to low and high post deletion rates. After determining some of the patterns of trolls, they attempted to predict whether users would be blocked in the future based in their first few posts and design a means to traffic trolls away from or out of online communities. All or most of the results of their analysis were close to what they expected, showing grounds and plausibility of designing against anti-social users.
This is an important step in the development of the online social network. As entertaining and common place as trolling is for some bored, sad, members of society, it has no place in peace and progress. If it has any place it is to show that it ought to be policed. The internet is a bottomless pit of distractions and an infinite pool of people to take advantage of. Troll trafficking might lead to a more wholesome and effectively developmental online community.
Is there really a way to completely safeguard against trolls? Won’t the determined, bored middle school student find a way?
Does the increase of anti-social behavior when transposing the interaction to online platforms reveal something inherent about society or humanity?