Reflection 5 – Omar Faruqi

Summary The authors of this paper examined what makes Wikipedia so successful and how people are able to collaborate together to create high quality content. Reflection The researchers of this paper are interested in learning what allows collaborators to work together to develop high quality content. The most common belief is that Wikipedia benefits from…

Reflection #5 – [03/05] – Viral Pasad

“Aniket Kittur, Robert E. Kraut. Harnessing the wisdom of crowds in Wikipedia: Quality through Co-ordination. CSCW ’08 Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work” The authors discuss the process of how a Wikipedia article is edited multiple times to enhance/deteriorate the quality of the same. Since anyone can edit the contents…

Reflection 5 – Spencer Jenkins

The article for today was “Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality Through Coordination,” a work by Carnegie Mellon researchers Kittur and Kraut. This paper was concerned with the editing process of a Wikipedia article. One of the most appealing features of Wikipedia is that anyone can edit an article on the site. As…

Donghan Hu Reflection 5

Why it works (when it works): success factors in online creative collaboration Kurt Luther, Kelly Caine, Kevin Ziegler, and Amy Bruckman. 2010. Why it works (when it works): success factors in online creative collaboration. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (GROUP ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1-10. DOI:…

Harnessing the Wisdom of Crowds in Wikipedia: Quality Through Coordination

Summary: As the world’s largest online encyclopedia, countless users retrieve information its articles. Its success demonstrates one of the many conveniences brought. Its effectiveness can be measured or illustrated by the quality of its articles. When an article is inevitably contributed by many contributors and editors, a common expectation or danger is the decreased effectiveness…

Collaboration = Cooperation + Coordination + ___

Reflection on Luther, K., Caine, K., Ziegler, K., & Bruckman, A. (2010, November). Why it works (when it works): Success factors in online creative collaboration. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (pp. 1-10). ACM. Summary: The paper presents a study of online collaboration to create animated movies (called “collabs”) which were…