“Scott R. Klemmer, Michael Thomsen, Ethan Phelps-Goodman, Robert Lee, James A. Landay. Where Do Web Sites Come From? Capturing and Interacting with Design History. CHI 2002, April 20-25, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. “
The authors propose an intuitive method for the design and history management of website design. A smart virtual wall that allows design of website by saving web-pages as post-it notes and also saving the links between them.
By reading the paper the first thing that popped into my head was “Sixth Sense by Pranav Mistry (Fig. 1, 2)”

Thus, this got me thinking about the state of VR Creative Spaces in the current scenario, considering the fact that the authors developed this in 2002 and the Pranav Mistry was working on it in around 2005. Yet, such systems are yet to hit the mainstream design market.
A few extensions to this project could be the availability of the virtual board in different spatial and time zones, thus fostering even more collaboration and eventually creativity. Github is a very strong example of such a system, and perhaps similar approaches could be worked on for diffeetn types of content/media