WordPress has been updated to 4.2.2. Contact techstaff if you have any issues.
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Update to 4.2.1
WordPress has been updated to 4.2.1.
Contact techstaff if you have any problems with the update.
Update to 4.1.1
WordPress has been updated to 4.1.1.
“Search Everything” plugin updated to 8.1.3.
Contact techstaff if you have any problems with the update.
Upgrade to 4.1
WordPress has been updated to 4.1. Contact techstaff if you have any issues.
Upgrade to 4.0.1
Contact techstaff if you have any issues with the upgrade.
Upgrade to 4.0
WordPress has been updated to version 4.0. There should be little or no impact on your blogs. Contact techstaff if you have any troubles.
If there is a specific theme or plug-in you want installed, please contact the techstaff.